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The Essential Test to Evaluate Your Overall Wellness


In today's fast-paced world, where stress and challenges seem to be constant companions, it's crucial to pause and evaluate our overall wellness. Wellness encompasses more than just physical health; it includes mental, emotional, social, and spiritual well-being. But how do you know if you're truly well in all these aspects? Let's delve into the essential test to evaluate your overall wellness.

Understanding Wellness

Wellness is a multidimensional concept that encompasses various aspects of life. It's not merely the absence of illness but a holistic approach to health and happiness. Understanding the different dimensions of wellness can help you assess your overall well-being more accurately.

Physical Wellness

Physical wellness refers to taking care of your body through regular exercise, proper nutrition, adequate sleep, and avoiding harmful habits like smoking or excessive drinking. It's about feeling energised, maintaining a healthy weight, and preventing illnesses.

Mental Wellness

Mental wellness involves having a positive attitude, coping with stress effectively, and maintaining a sharp mind. It's about staying intellectually stimulated, being open to new ideas, and seeking help when needed. Mental wellness also includes managing emotions and fostering resilience.

Emotional Wellness

Emotional wellness revolves around understanding and accepting your feelings, both positive and negative. It's about cultivating healthy relationships, expressing yourself authentically, and finding balance in life. Emotional wellness allows you to navigate life's ups and downs with grace and compassion.

Social Wellness

Social wellness pertains to building supportive relationships, fostering a sense of belonging, and contributing to your community. It involves effective communication, empathy, and respect for others. Social wellness thrives on meaningful connections and mutual support.

Spiritual Wellness

Spiritual wellness goes beyond religious beliefs and encompasses finding meaning and purpose in life. It involves exploring your values, connecting with something greater than yourself, and nurturing your inner peace. Spiritual wellness provides a sense of direction and fulfilment.

The Essential Test for Evaluating Wellness

Now that we understand the various dimensions of wellness, let's explore the essential test for evaluating your overall well-being. This test will help you assess where you stand in each aspect of wellness and identify areas for improvement.

  • 1,25 Dihydroxy (Vitamin D) Test: Evaluates vitamin D levels, essential for bone health, immune function, and overall well-being.
  • 17 OHP / 17 Hydroxyprogesterone Test: Measures adrenal gland function and assists in diagnosing hormonal imbalances.
  • Absolute Basophil Count: Assesses immune system function and allergic reactions.
  • Albumin - Serum Test: Evaluates liver and kidney function, as well as nutritional status.
  • Ammonia Test: Monitors liver health and detects abnormalities in ammonia metabolism.

Taking the Test: Self-Assessment

Start by reflecting on each dimension of wellness – physical, mental, emotional, social, and spiritual. Ask yourself specific questions related to each aspect:

  • Physical: Am I getting enough exercise? How is my diet? Do I prioritise sleep?
  • Mental: Am I managing stress effectively? Do I engage in activities that stimulate my mind?
  • Emotional: How do I cope with difficult emotions? Do I have a support system?
  • Social: Do I have fulfilling relationships? Am I actively involved in my community?
  • Spiritual: What gives my life meaning? Do I practise mindfulness or meditation?

Be honest with your answers and take note of areas where you feel satisfied and areas where you could improve.

Interpreting the Results

Once you've completed the self-assessment, review your answers and identify patterns or trends. Are there certain areas where you consistently score lower? These could be areas that require more attention and effort. Conversely, celebrate areas where you're doing well and acknowledge your strengths.

Creating a Wellness Plan

Based on your self-assessment results, create a wellness plan that outlines specific goals and actions for each dimension of wellness. Break down your goals into smaller, manageable steps and set realistic timelines for achieving them. Consider seeking support from friends, family, or professionals if needed.

For example:

  • Physical: Commit to exercising for at least 30 minutes a day and incorporating more fruits and vegetables into your diet.
  • Mental: Practise mindfulness meditation for 10 minutes every morning and engage in activities that challenge your intellect, such as reading or puzzles.
  • Emotional: Reach out to a therapist or counsellor for support in managing stress and improving emotional resilience.
  • Social: Schedule regular social activities with friends or join a community group that aligns with your interests.
  • Spiritual: Explore different spiritual practices or philosophies that resonate with you and incorporate them into your daily life.


Evaluating your overall wellness is a critical step towards leading a fulfilling and balanced life. By understanding the different dimensions of wellness and taking the essential test, you can identify areas for improvement and create a personalised wellness plan that promotes your holistic well-being. Remember that wellness is an ongoing journey, and small changes can lead to significant improvements over time. Prioritise self-care and make your well-being a priority – you deserve it.